August 21st, 2007
Persevering in the Promise
Read Luke 2:1-7 (Yes, Again)
"She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in the manger,
because there was no room for them in the inn." vs. 7
It was anything but a perfect scenario. In fact, it was enough to make even the most strongwilled amongst us throw in the towel. You would have thought there might be a better way for God to introduce the world to his only begotten Son. The Christmans story has become such a cultural commodity that it has lost much of its shock and strain. Joseph and Mary pledged to be married are told by a messenger of God, both seperately, that Mary would be pregnant and carry the child of the Most High God, and Joseph would have nothing to do with it. How might that conversation go over in 1st century Galilee?
"Mom, Dad...I'm pregnant?"
"But Mary you are yet to be married. How could you have done this? By who?"
"By God..."
"Child, do not mock your parents, you are to honor us! And now you have brought upon the family much shame."
Facing rejection, ridicule, mockery, and possibly even death by stoning, Mary carries the child of God faithfully. Then near the end of her pregancy, a decree is given that all people groups must make their way back to the city of their ancestry in order to register for the census. Not only was the tyranny of the Roman government further straining their finances, but now, Mary and Joseph would have to make the over 100 mile journey over rugged terrain from their hometown of Nazareth to Joseph's ancestral city of Bethlehem. By donkey they would gather up every bit of strenghth and courage and traverse this immense obstacle, carrying faithfully the child of God. Upon arriving at Bethlehem, it happened. Mary had gone into labor and tenaciously Joseph made his way through Bethlehem searching for anywhere that his wife might be able to deliver this child in comfort and security. But it was the time of the census and all the hotels were packed. There weren't even any of those seedy pay-by-the-hour types available, nothing; the only place, a stable, probably a cave of some sort...damp, dingy, and offensively smelly and unclean.
They had faithfully carried the child of God, but do you think they might have asked the question, "where was the faithfulness of God." Their story was one of trial, struggle, and exhaustion. They were racked with fear, doubt, and exclusion. Mary and Joseph are the original author's of Murphy's Law (If anything can go wrong it will...) From an unplanned pregancy to a grueling 100 mile journey across the desert terrain, it was enough to make someone want to give up. But Mary and Joseph refused. They kept on. The pushed forward, persevering at every juncture. Why?
The nights that God's messenger had visited Mary and Joseph, he had not only made and announcement but he had also made a promise. The promise..."Your child will be the Savior of humankind...he will change the world...he will be the Messiah...he will be God amongst you...he will save you from your sins..." It was the promise. It was the promise that held them close to one another as they faced the daily condemnation, gossiping, and ridicule from their townspeople. It was the promise that rang deep in their hearts when they had reached just outside Samaria and felt as though they could go no further. It was the promise of God's deliverance that carried them through that dark and lonely night in that cave. Mary and Joseph, despite the uncertainty and the relentlessness of their circumstances, held on because of the promise. Despite the sense of abandonment and forsakeness, they carried the promise. Their faith in the promise of God got them through.'
Still feel like giving up? I am writing this from a Pastor's heart. Too many I encounter are ready to throw in the towel. This Christian journey has not shaped up the way they had anticipated. Not everything got better when they got saved. God wasn't restoring relationships quick enough. It is too hard to endure with their spouse. They were being mocked and ridiculed. They felt as though they had been treking through the desert for miles and miles and there was no end in sight. When they got "there" all the rooms were booked. It's just too much to bear. They give up on their marriages, on their relationships, their kids, their church, and unfortunatley even on life. My heart breaks...had we forgotten to remind them of the promise? When the world seems to be falling down all around us, sometimes the promise is all we have to hang on to.
Again, I write from a Pastor's heart. Hang on to the promise. God promises to "never leave you nor forsake you." God promises us "rest" and "peace." God promises us a never ending relationship with him. It is the promise of hope and a future. It is a promise that God will work all things out to the good of those that love him. It is a promise that nothing can separate us from the love of God. God has promised to faithfully "come through" in Jesus Christ. Hold on! Cling to his promise! No matter where life might lead or the pain you might endure, there is the promise!

1 comment:

The Chapman Family said...

Sing Mary...Sing!