May 23rd, 2007
Look Mom, No Hands
Read Luke 10:17-24
"Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name." vs. 17
There is something so exhilerating about making things happen for Jesus. Many of us that have been Christians for a while have experienced a time when all plugs were firing together; we were in tune with the Spirit and we were able to make a difference in the lives of others. We were there to help our friends save their marriage. We were in the hospital to pray the prayer of peace over someone going to surgery. We invited our friend to church and they got saved. For a moment, we stuck our thumbs under our suspenders, stuck out our chests and said, "Look what I did...oh yeah, because of you Jesus."
As I stated earlier, there is something exhilerating about making things happen for Jesus. But, in that state there exists a temptation we face. If not careful we might start thinking of ourselves more highly than we ought. We might start focusing on all the good work we do for Jesus and may even start feeling (I know no one wants to admit this) like Jesus is blessed to have us as a part of his team. But the passage that we read this morning pushes us to consider from where our true joy must find its origin.
Jesus sent out seventy-two into the mission field with the power to get things done. When they returned they were on a spiritual high because of all they had accomplished because of Jesus. Perhaps someone thought to themselves...Look Mom, no hands. But Jesus is quick to help them reflect on the true nature of their joy. Doing good things for Jesus is a necessary part of following Jesus. He sends us out to do...However, salvation, life, ministry, freedom, peace...they are all a gift. We live in the consistent joy that we have been chosen by God to experience the abundace of his divine gift...remembering "this is a gift from God, lest no man should boast (about what they've done or who they are)." If we are to celebrate, let us first celebrate the gracious work of God in our lives that redeemed, healed, restored, and recreated us. That gift keeps us humble as we recognize that whatever we do for Jesus is a response to a gift we could have never earned. And Jesus still says to us today as we puff out our chests..."rejoice that your names are written in heaven."

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